Madara with the --dev flag

Running Madara with the --dev flag

The --dev flag runs a development mode within Madara, offering several advantages for streamlining the app chain development process. Some of these features include the provision of pre-funded, pre-deployed accounts available when launching the chain.

These are enumerated when starting an app chain:

  • Address: 0x1 with no PK
  • Address: 0x2 with PK as 0xc1cf1490de1352865301bb8705143f3ef938f97fdf892f1090dcb5ac7bcd1d
  • Address: 0x2 with PK as 0xc1cf1490de1352865301bb8705143f3ef938f97fdf892f1090dcb5ac7bcd1d
  • Address: 0x4 with no PK (any string can be used as the PK)


These accounts can be directly plugged into your dev use cases. Since they're pre-deployed you can sign any transaction with them as well.

These accounts can also be used to fund your personal Madara wallet, an example of this is faucet.js

const provider = new starknet.RpcProvider({
  nodeUrl: "http://localhost:9944", // initialises the provider with the Madara RPC node URL
const account = new starknet.Account(
  "0x4", // 0x4 is one of the predeployed accounts
  "0x1234", // Any valid string can be passed as the private key for the 0x4 address
  "1", // "1" is an identifier for Cairo 1.0 accounts
async function transfer(to) {
  const contract = new starknet.Contract(ERC20.abi, eth_address, provider);
  let result = contract.populate("transfer", {
    recipient: to,
    amount: {
      low: 1e20,
      high: 0,
  let hash = await account.execute(result, undefined);

Karnot (opens in a new tab) has also developed ready-to-use scripts using Starknet.js to fund wallets, declare and deploy contracts and some other useful tasks. You can refer to them here (opens in a new tab).